Monday, March 15, 2010

Greek Obsession

Mia's obsessed with Greece. We started studying ancient Greek history at the beginning of the year and my friend turned her on to D'aulaire's Book of Greek Myths. She has memorized the book, and now Percy Jackson's series is keeping her hooked. Anything about Greek gods, goddesses, temples, etc, etc, etc.

She has decided to start studying Greek. My Lord. We're already doing Latin. Latin and Greek? What is she going to turn into, a classics scholar? Luckily the Latin program we use, Latin for Children, also teaches Greek because I don't know any. It's on backorder, actually, so we're starting with a program that teaches the Greek alphabet, the Greek Alphabet Code Cracker. This is the fifth language she's dabbled in this year. Why not?

And fair time. What would a girl obsessed with Greece do for the science fair? A model of the Parthenon, of course. We've got a kit on order and she's starting to write some information to go with it. Architecture is science, right? John says not really. We'll have to see what we can do to morph it. This is my first science fair project attempt in my life. I never did it as a kid and I've never helped a kid with it.

I was starting to go insane trying to get her interested in writing. It's her weakest area and she resists it intensely. But if she's writing about the Parthenon for her science fair project, she's all over it.

She's not interested in my cooking from other cultures, either. Except Greek food. We're having falafels tomorrow and shish kabobs the day after.

She'd like to travel to Greece next. That's on the long term agenda.

The wonderful thing about homeschooling is that you can run with something like this.


  1. Go for it, Ineka! Sounds like fun!

    Love you,

  2. If she knows the basics of Greek and Latin, she can understand almost any European language, and especially English, far more than anyone else will.

    I was all over Greek mythology and symbolism when I was her age...still love it, and it helps understand a number of things you wouldn't consider, like how many of our symbols in society, business, and sciences are greek in source.

    Architecture IS a science - just try to do any of it without an understanding of math and physics, and your buildings will fall. Just have her take a look at the angles and the way the weight is distributed over the columns, etc, and she's got it.

    I lOVE how you and Mia are working out schooling at home...
